
Dress Show Call for Entry Deadline November 7th

I have received some wonderful submissions for the Dress Show I am curating for Fraction Magazine. It is not too late to enter, the deadline is November 7th. If you missed it, here is the info for submission.


Call for Entry: The Center for Fine Art Photography, Idea of Self

Deadline November 12.

How do you see yourself? How do you think of yourself? How do you think other people see you? Are you the fly on the wall or the center of attention? The Idea of Self stretches further than the self portrait, and into the recesses of the mind, spirit and our subconscious.

Juror: Susan A. Zadeh is the founder, publisher, editor in chief and artistic director of EYEMAZING, an international magazine on contemporary photography based in Amsterdam. EYEMAZING just receive the most prestigious Lucie Awards Photo Magazine of the Year In 2008. To view EYEMAZING Magazine visit their website.


You Go Girl ( and I am not talking about Sarah Palin)

Straight from the In the News of page of PDN:

Amber Terranova (shown here with Jonathan Hollingsworth)
has joined Photo District News as the magazine's new photo editor. Terranova was previously associate photo editor at Outside, and before that she worked as programs assistant at Center in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and as an assistant at the Santa Fe Workshops. Terranova replaces Jeanine Fijol, who was recently named director of PDN Custom Media and Events.

We will miss Amber in Santa Fe! Good luck!

College of Santa Fe's Film and Lecture Series Next Event, Alex Harris and Bill DeBuys

College of Santa Fe's Marion Center for Photographic Art's next event, co-sponsored by Verve Gallery of Photography, will be a lecture and book signing by Alex Harris and Bill DeBuys on there book project, River of Traps: A New Mexico Mountain Life. The lecture will take place on the campus of College of Santa Fe in Tipton Hall on October 30th at 6pm. It is free and open to the public. The next in the series will be the film, The Devil's Miner on November 4th at 7pm. Check and save the image above for the complete schedule.


Call for Submissions: The Magenta Foundation's Flash Forward

Detail of “Superman” by Dulce Pinzon (US)

The Magenta Foundation is pleased to announce Year Five
of its Emerging Photographers exchange.

• This is an open call for submissions.
• All photographers in Canada, the UK and the US under the age of 34 may submit.
• All submission requirements and instructions are on our website.

Jurors for 2009 are:

Sara Knelman, Art Gallery of Hamilton

Liz Ikiriko, Photo Editor, Toronto Life Magazine
Daniel Espeset, photo-eye Magazine

Jon Levy, FOTO8, UK

Simon Bainbridge, British Journal of Photography, London
Paul Herrmann, Redeye—The Photography Network
Rebecca McClelland, Photo Editor with Wallpaper*, Art World
and the Ian Parry Scholarship

Debra Klomp Ching, Klompching Gallery, NY

Darren Ching, Photo District News, NY
Paula Tognarelli, Griffin Museum of Photography

Bright Spark Award winner will receive $5000.

As in the past, all competition Winners and Honourable Mentions will be published in a high
quality art book complemented by an exhibition featuring select artists in Toronto in October 2009. Additional Canadian and US exhibition venues will be announced at a later date.

Please make your submissions
via magentafoundation.org.


Call for Entry: Dress show

Accepting entries for photo-based work featuring dresses for the December issue of Fraction Magazine. This group exhibition will be curated by Melanie McWhorter (of melanie photo blog). Deadline is Friday, November 7, 2008, 5pm MTN.

The dress has been a subject of curatorial consideration throughout the last 20 years, exhibitions like Empty
Dress: Clothing as Surrogate in Recent Art (presented by Nina Felshin and the Independent Curators International in 1994), have mostly dealt with the use of clothing as symbols, containers of specific meaning related to class, gender and desire. While these prior exhibitions laid the critical groundwork for the consideration of clothing in contemporary art by addressing a broad spectrum of garments and media, Fraction Magazine is pleased to announce an upcoming online exhibition that will specifically investigate these issues as they relate to the woman’s dress as signifier within the medium of photography. The exhibition aims to reveal the “collective consciousness” associated with how the dress, an undeniably rich surrogate, is exploited in contemporary photography.

We are now accepting submissions of photographs (in digital format) that explore / address / feature dresses of any kind.

To send scans, please attach them to the email labeled Lastname_image1.jpg, Lastname_image2.jpg and so on. In the body of the email, please list your name, email address, title of each scan with beside the respective numbers and size and medium of the final print. A brief description of the project is optional. Please limit submissions to five scans per photographer.

The images should be 72dpi and no bigger than 800 pixels on the longest side. Email submission to cfw@fractionmag.com.


Texas Photographic Society Auction

TPS will be hosting their Fourteenth Annual Collector's Print Auction on Friday, October 17th at Davis Gallery, 837 West 12th Street, Austin, Texas. Works will be auctioned by O. Rufus Lovett, David Gibson, Kate Breakey, Laura Calfee, Tom Chambers, Kay Denton, Willis Lee, Jack Kotz, Ron Rosenstock, Perry Dilbeck, Aline Smithson, Robb Kendrick, Sean Perry, Kim Weston and many others. Texas Photographic Society has all images available as a download.

David Bram print for sale

The photo shown above by David Bram is available for sale from the artist's blog in a special edition. This version, an edition of 25 signed and numbered prints, is printed on Ilford Multigrade fiber paper and printed by the artist to museum standards (he is a great printer). The paper size is 8x10 inches and the image measures 7x7 inches. For more info, visit David Bram's blog.


Nueva Luz new issue

© Ian Ramirez

The new issue of Nueva Luz is curated by Darius Himes on the topic of race. I am most excited about the inclusion Santa Fe photographer, Ian Ramirez. More info about the issue can be found on Darius's blog. Ian also had a show at Verve Fine Arts in Santa Fe earlier this year and many of his photos can be seen there.

This issue of Neuva Luz also features
Hank Willis Thomas (the cover artist), Nontsikelelo Veleko, and Sanaz Mazinani -- as well as a lengthy essay by Darius Himes entitled, “Here Am I.”

Obama and McCain on art, Americans for the Arts Action Fund comparison

Here is a press release for the Americans for the Arts Action Fund. I have listed the entire summary below or you can open it as a PDF here complete with links for the bills, speeches and more.

Americans for the Arts Action Fund is pleased to present you with its just
released summary of the Arts Positions of the 2008 Presidential
Candidates. (Also see side-by-side comparison table below.)

As you may know, Americans for the Arts Action Fund launched its
ArtsVote2008 initiative in May 2007 in order to educate presidential
candidates on issues impacting the arts and arts education with the goal
of securing-for the first time ever-formal position statements from the
top candidates.

To date, we have shared with you Senator Barack Obama's comprehensive arts
policy proposal that he began issuing in February 2008. Unfortunately, the
McCain campaign has not been as forthcoming, despite numerous formal
requests from the Arts Action Fund and Senator McCain's own supporters
over the last year. However, we are pleased to report that Senator McCain
has now issued a short statement that he released in an article for
today's Salt Lake City Tribune.

With this information in hand, we ask you-the arts advocate-to take action
by doing the following things:

Share this side-by-side comparison of the presidential candidates with
your friends, family, and colleagues.
Blog about this issue on any sites that you are affiliated with.
Post the comparison chart on your social network sites, such as Facebook,
MySpace, and others.
Send a Letter to the Editor of your local newspapers and journals. We've
made it easy for you by drafting a customizable letter at our E-Advocacy
Center that you can personalize. You will then automatically be given the
choice to e-mail your letter to all the key media outlets in your area
based on your zip code.
Ask questions about policies on the arts and arts education to both your
Congressional and presidential candidates in any kind of town hall forums,
online chats, or any other public forums.
Vote for the candidates that you feel will best advance the arts and arts
education in America.
With only 32 days left to Election Day, now is the time to act and show
your support for the arts!

Arts Positions of the 2008 Presidential Candidates Sen. Barack Obama
Democratic Nominee
Sen. John McCain
Republican Nominee

Campaign has met with Americans for the Arts Action Fund to discuss policy
issues. Yes
Meeting held 4/1/08
Meeting held 4/1/08

Campaign has published policy proposals on the arts and/or arts education.
Read policy proposal 2/28/08

Candidate has made statement on federal support of the arts. Yes
View Pennsylvania speech on 4/2/08

Candidate has made statement on federal support of arts education. Yes
View Texas speech on 2/28/08
Read Statement 10/03/08

National party platform includes statement on the arts and/or arts
education. Yes
Read platform statement on page 49

Candidate has pro-arts Congressional record. Yes
Co-sponsored S. 548, Artist-Museum Partnership Act, 2/25/08
Voted to cut funding or terminate the National Endowment for the Arts (see
listing of votes*)

*Roll call votes on 7/12/00, 8/5/99, 9/15/98, 9/18/97, 9/17/97, 7/25/94,
9/15/93, 9/15/93, and 9/14/93.
Source: Americans for the Arts Action Fund, as of 10/03/08

Americans for the Arts Action Fund is the bipartisan advocacy arm of
Americans for the Arts, engaging citizens in ensuring that all Americans
have the opportunity to appreciate, value, and participate in the arts.
Arts Action Fund members are citizen activists who are committed to
helping make certain that arts-friendly public policies are adopted at
every level of government and in the private sector. ArtsVote2008, a
program of the Arts Action Fund, was created to secure bold, new policy
proposals in support of the arts and arts education in America from
candidates in the 2008 presidential campaign.

For more info visit www.artsvote.org or call 202-371-2830

Krista Elrick Workshop in Alaska

Photographer and friend, Krista Elrick will be teaching a workshop in Alaska in May 2009 sponsored by the Santa Fe Workshops.

"Each spring, as the frozen landscape begins to thaw, the shorelines of coastal Alaska shimmer with millions of migrating birds, many of which have traveled thousands of miles to reach their breeding grounds in the Arctic tundra. This workshop is for photographers who wish to witness and photograph this wonder of nature at one of the largest contiguous wetlands in the U.S., and one of the best birding locations in the world." More info at the Santa Fe Workshops link.

Fazal Sheikh in Santa Fe tonight!

A few years ago, David Byrne came to Santa Fe for the Look into the Eyeball tour to do a show at the Paolo Soleri Amphitheater. Si* opened for him. He was accompanied by horns, violins, and many witty stories. In addition to admiring him for his music, I am quite in awe of him as a human being. So, when I walk into the front of photo-eye to find David Byrne standing at the front counter, I was beside myself. In Santa Fe, you happen upon celebrities often and usually respect his or her privacy. I could not keep away from David Byrne, I got his autograph, (on a full piece of letterhead "MELANIE JANUARY DAVID BYRNE) and I also believe I drooled on him. He recently, last month to be exact, played again in Albuquerque. He did not come to photo-eye. I like to think that he did not have the time and he did not stay away because of the crazy redhead.

I think what I like so much about David Byrne is not only his big brain and his amazing talent, but his desire to share his talents and those of others with the world. Aside from my enamored feelings, there are many connections between David Byrne and Fazal Sheikh. Although driven by different motivations, Fazal gives and gives--through his photographic projects, books and exhibitions. Proceeds from the sale of the International Human Rights Series go to International Human Rights Fund. You can find out about Fazal's life and projects at his site, FazalSheikh.org.

Fazal Sheikh is lecturing at College of Santa Fe, Tipton Hall sponsored by Santa Fe Art Institute TONIGHT! It is cheap to get in, only $5 and $2.50 for students. If you are reading this and you can make it to Santa Fe, New Mexico tonight, more details can be found at the Santa Fe Art Institute site.


4478 Zines by Erik van der Weijde

These are real photo zines.
4478zines.com by Erik van der Weijde

all images copyright Erik van der Weijde

Liz and the Sonia Braga doppelganger

Liz, © Will Steacy

Ever since Kiss of the Spiderwoman, I have loved Sonia Braga. Now, every day, the Sonia Braga look-a-like walks by my window at work looking like she was clothed from the wardrobe department of Grease, Olivia Newton-John as virgin or greaser, depending on the day. I stop and watch her every day. It is not love or lust, but a mild obsession; I have to look at her.

A year or so ago, a card was mailed to my office. It was a postcard for a show of Will Steacy's work and on the front was the image of
Liz. It was probably for Darius, but I took it anyway. I have to look at Liz like I do the Braga doppelganger (I love this word). I do not want to know her, or be her friend, or girlfriend. I want to watch her with the frozen wind in her hair.

Flak Photo showing Art for Obama

Art for Obama has changed some of the details of the auction. Bidding is happening until this Friday, October 10th and it will go to moveon.org, not directly to the campaign. For all the details on why the change, check out the entry at Fraction. You can view some of the photos on display at flakphoto.com this week or check out artforobama.net.

Errata Editions on Press at 5b4

Jeff Ladd at 5b4.com has been sharing his experience of printing four titles for his new imprint
Errata Editions.

Not that Ladd has created these entries to compliment my mission, but he is promoting my belief in democratic books (to borrow a term from the website of that name, democraticbooks.org) by making the books affordable and also sharing the experience of
five days on press in China.

Errata Editions, founded by Jeff Ladd, photographer Ed Grazda and a third partner, will be producing a series called Books on Books, which will reproduce, along with scholarly essays, Atget, Photographe de Paris, Walker Evans's American Photographs, Sophie Ristelhueber's Fait, and Chris Killip's In Flagrante. Take a look at his detailed description of the aforementioned titles and the on press story.

PS One of my favorite books is
Sophie Ristelhueber's Details of the World.


Through the Lens: Creating Santa Fe

Photo Archives at the Palace of the Governors/New Mexico History Museum, Museum of New Mexico, Department of Cultural Affairs opens its first major photography exhibition in 25 years. Through the Lens: Creating Santa Fe will open to the public on Friday, November 21, 2008 with a reception, hosted by the Women’s Board, from 5 – 7 PM. Co-curated by Mary Anne Redding, Curator of Photography at the Palace of the Governors and independent curator, educator, and photographer, Krista Elrick, Through the Lens: Creating Santa Fe is part of the city wide celebration of the 400th anniversary of Santa Fe as well as the centennial of the Museum of New Mexico.

© Melanie McWhorter

The Museum of New Mexico Press is publishing a book of the same name to be released at the end of January 2009 with essays by Frances Levine, Lucy Lippard, Andrew Lovato, Siegfried Halus, David Noble, Rina Swentzell, and Mary Anne Redding.

A satellite exhibition, Through the Lens: A Contemporary View of Santa Fe will be hosted at the Visual Arts Gallery, Santa Fe Community College opening on Thursday, January 29, 2009 with 40 images by contemporary photographers living and working in Santa Fe will be on view through March 9, 2009.

The list of photographers included is quite long, (over 150 years of photography included):

Ansel Adams
Sam Adams
Lewis Baltz
Thomas Barrow
Ray Belcher
George C. Bennett
Gay Block
Kent Bowser
David Bram
Nicholas Brown
Polly Brown
William Henry Brown
Jesus Sito Candelario
John Candelario
Paul Caponigro
Aryan Chappell
Walter Chappell
Dana B. Chase
Robert Luis Chavez
Blair Clark
William Clift
J. L. Clinton
Van Deren Coke
John C. Collier
Linda Connor
Aaron B. Craycraft
Thomas J. Curran
Edward Curtis
Julie Dean
Tyler Dingee
Brian Edwards
James L. Enyeart
Steve Fitch
Lee Friedlander
Miguel Gandert
Laura Gilpin
Kirk Gittings
Ernst Haas
Betty Hahn
Philip Embury Harroun
James Hart
Henry T. Heister,
John K. Hillers
William Henry Jackson
Zig Jackson
Bill Jay
Kate Joyce
Christian G. Kaadt
Doug Keats
Edward A. Kemp
Ernest Knee
Rolf Koppel
Howard Korder
Lisa Law
Paul Logsdon
Herbert A. Lotz
Lynn Lown
Cissie Ludlow
Charles Lummis
Greg MacGregor
Douglas Magnus
Roxanne Malone
Norman Mauskopf
Lawrence McFarland
Melanie McWhorter
Duane Monczewski
Margaret Moore
Wright Morris
Joan Myers
Teresa Neptune
Beaumont Newhall
Nicholas Nixon
David Grant Noble
Anne Noggle
Mark Nohl
Jesse Nusbaum
Tony O’Brien
Timothy O’Sullivan
T. Harmon Parkhurst
Jack Parsons
Alan Pearlman
Bernard Plossu
Horace Swartley Poley
Eliot Porter
Patrick Porter
Ian Ramirez
Edward Ranney
Eric Renner
J. R. Riddle
Ford Robbins
Alan Ross
Meridel Rubenstein
Andre Ruesch
Janet Russek
David Scheinbaum
Robert Shlaer
Nancy Spencer
Paul Strand
Nancy Sutor
Carlan Tapp
U. S. Army Signal Corps
Craig Varjabedian
John Vavruska
Carlos Vierra
Adam Clark Vroman
Todd Webb
Melanie West
Edward Weston
Richard Wilder
Ben Wittick
James Wood
Donald Woodman
Wendy Young

Call for Entry: Shots 102, Portfolio Issue

SHOTS no. 102: The 2008 Portfolio Issue

Photographers chosen for publication will be interviewed and featured on at least 4 pages in this annual issue. (Note: Photographers previously featured in Shots’ interviews and past Portfolio Issues are not eligible for this issue.) Deadline November 3, 2008

Send up to 20 images (prints or files on a CD) for consideration.

Call for Entry: Fraction Group Show

Here are the rules for the Fraction call for entry for the November issue. The deadline is October 10.

Please read the following guidelines carefully. Deviating from these will make the work ineligible. The theme for the show is Typologies. The typology has become a major part of the history of photography as well as a major force in contemporary photography. We wanted to see what the current state of the typology is and how current artists are using it. The show will include up to 20 artists and each artist will have 3 pieces of work up, a link to their website (if you have one), and contact information. Here are the rules for submission:

1. Make sure your work actually falls under the category of Typology. If you have any question at all as to whether or not it does, then it probably doesn't. 2. Send us three images that are 700 pixels on the longest side.
3. Make sure they are in a jpg format. No PSDs no TIFFs no GIFs. 4. Send them in an email to us at fractionmag@gmail.com Make sure the subject of your email is Group Show. Please include your name, website address (if you have one) and an email address where you can be reached. 5. The deadline for submission is October 10th. We will decide on the final artists by October 15th. Publication of Issue 4 will be in early November. Good luck and we can't wait to start looking at work.

Call for Entry: Negative Space

Center for Fine Art Photography: Negative Space Juror: Brooks Jensen of Lenswork Magazine Deadline is October 14, 2008

Other calls coming up from
Center for Fine Art Photography: Idea of Self, Deadline is November 12, 2008 Perspective, Deadline is December 9, 2008
Image shown, Waiting, Harry Longstreet